Course Overview and Structure
This Eight-Phase training course utilizes a phased graded exposure system with each phase of training having five modules: Pelvic floor, Breathing, Movement, Relaxation and Mind & Meditation. By approaching your pelvic floor dysfunction in this holistic way, you optimize your chances of successfully achieving your goals. The purpose of each module is as follows:
One of the most important aspects of any graded exposure system is the ability to both progress and regress. With the eight-phase training, the phases have been grouped by the perceived level of difficulty. Any increase in difficulty is aligned with progress milestones. You will be guided to set goals that align with each of these progress milestones. When you reach a progress milestone, you will repeat your baseline assessment to assess if you are ready to move to the next difficulty level.
Preparation: Color-coded blue, this level could be considered ground zero. For example, this level is useful if you have lost the connection between your brain and your pelvic floor or if you are not used to physical activity. The purpose of this level is to prepare your body for active movement and activity and to begin the process of rebalancing tension through the body.
Beginner: Color-coded green, this level builds on the preparation level with exercises that are designed to build isolated strength using both push and pull strength while accessing all planes of movement. There are three phases in this level. If you have never been physically active, this level may feel quite challenging. You may need to regress to spend more time at the preparation level if you find this level is too difficult.
Intermediate: Color-coded in orange, this level assumes a reasonable level of strength has been established at the beginner level. Onto this foundational strength, balance and functional movement are added to fire up co-contractions. Bodyweight is used to distribute load and tension into your tissues. This level has two phases and teaches coordination between muscle groups, which will prepare your body for the more dynamic movements of the advanced level. You can regress to the beginner level if you feel you lack the strength for this level of training.
Advanced: Color-coded in red, this level assumes you are strong and that good load distribution through your body has been established. Onto this, we add directional forces and explosive movements to our pelvic floor training such as jumping, push and pull exercises. These exercises can feel substantially harder than those at the intermediate level. If you feel you lack the strength and coordination, you can spend more time at the intermediate level. When you have successfully completed the advanced level, you should have achieved all the goals you set for yourself, and will be in great shape to set new goals such as taking up a sport or just maintaining your optimized health.
Goals are set to coincide with the progress milestones at the end of each phase. The colored bars show the progressive increase in effort over time. The progress milestones are marked with a purple dot between each difficulty level. You will be guided on how to set your goals in line with these milestones.
When you reach each progress milestone, you will repeat your baseline assessments to review your progress. The level of effort and the amount of time it will take to complete the phases shown will be very much dependent on your own unique situation. Remember that repetition creates change in the body.